The distinctive combination of Sport and Business Enterprise supports the Academy in a determination to deliver a genuinely personalised curriculum for all and will allow the Academy to impact on attainment at all levels.
Physical Education and Sport Students receive a broad physical education experience with Year 7 currently receiving two sessions of PE per week. In particular there is a focus on developing healthy lifestyles and providing opportunities for leadership.
Physical Education and Sport is a popular Sixth Form choice and all students are encouraged to participate in our sport and recreation programme and follow an individualized fitness programme.
Opportunities for students to develop enterprise skills are mapped across subject areas and enterprise schemes are available to further develop work in this area. A range of Business and ICT courses are offered in the sixth form with local industry involved in the delivery and design of the curriculum.
The Academy’s expectation and dress code emphasise a business like approach to education and influences the culture throughout student life.
Our extra-curricular Session 3 programme gives students a chance of opportunities which complement and extend their education, these range from sporting, cultural, musical, performing and community activities and form an integral part of the timetable.
Trips, visits, and residential visits are also a regular feature of the students education at the Academy across all year groups and subjects. Many have an academic focus others are purely for cultural enrichment.