Useful Documents & Policies

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Useful Documents & Policies

Click on 'Download File' to download document.

Finance and Governance

Sandwell Academy is part of Thomas Telford Multi Academy Trust.  Financial information is reported on a consolidated basis for the Trust as a whole.  To view finance and governance information, including audited annual accounts and funding agreements, please visit the Thomas Telford Multi Academy Trust Website.

Select financial information is published for Sandwell Academy on the Schools Financial Benchmarking Service.

Title Last Updated
Acceptable Use of ICT, Mobile Phones, Email , the Internet & Social Networking
25 August 2023 Download File
Access Arrangements Policy
10 October 2022 Download File
Accessibility Plan Sandwell
19 December 2023 Download File
Admissions Policy
22 September 2023 Download File
Anti-Bullying Policy
17 July 2023 Download File
Attendance Policy
17 July 2023 Download File
Behaviour Policy
05 September 2023 Download File
Careers Education and Guidance Policy
21 February 2024 Download File
CCTV Policy
19 October 2022 Download File
Charging and Remissions Policy
11 October 2023 Download File
Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy
16 May 2024 Download File
Citizenship Policy
16 January 2024 Download File
Communications Policy
22 December 2023 Download File
Concerns and Complaint Policy
13 July 2023 Download File
Concerns and Complaints Policy (Community)
05 March 2024 Download File
Drug Education Policy
22 August 2023 Download File
Equality Policy
19 December 2023 Download File
Examination Policy
05 February 2024 Download File
Exclusion Policy
05 September 2023 Download File
First Aid Policy
06 July 2020 Download File
Governing Board Attendance
22 March 2024 Download File
Health and Safety Policy
29 September 2023 Download File
Homework Policy
22 August 2023 Download File
Investigation Procedure and Protocols
04 September 2022 Download File
Leave of Absence Request Form
22 September 2023 Download File
Low Level Concerns Policy
25 September 2023 Download File
Medical Policy
18 August 2021 Download File
Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy
29 January 2024 Download File
Mobile Phone Policy - Student Use
30 April 2024 Download File
Movement Policy
13 July 2023 Download File
Online Safety Bill
19 January 2024 Download File
Preventing Radicalisation Policy
15 February 2024 Download File
Provider Access Policy - Careers
21 February 2024 Download File
PSHE Policy
16 January 2024 Download File
Pupil Premium and Catch-up Strategy statement
20 December 2023 Download File
Reading Policy
04 March 2024 Download File
Relationships and Sex Education Policy
13 November 2023 Download File
Sandwell Academy Governors
22 March 2024 Download File
Sandwell Academy SEND Information Report 2023-24
17 October 2023 Download File
Severe Weather Procedure
16 November 2022 Download File
Spiritual Moral Social and Cultural Development Policy
02 February 2024 Download File
Student Charter
07 September 2023 Download File
Teaching and Learning Policy
27 November 2023 Download File
Uniform Policy
04 September 2023 Download File
Unreasonable Complaints Policy
05 March 2024 Download File
Whistleblowing Policy
14 May 2024 Download File