Student Charter

What Standards are expected of Sandwell Academy students?

Student Code of Conduct

All day, every day students are expected to:

  • Behave in an orderly and self-controlled way
  • Show respect to members of staff and each other
  • In class, make it possible for all students to learn
  • Move quietly around the school
  • Treat the school buildings and school property with respect
  • Wear the correct uniform at all times
  • Accept sanctions when given
  • Refrain from behaving in a way that brings the school into disrepute, including when outside school

The Academy does not have a long list of rules but students should make special note of these nine very important statements.

  • Always wear official Academy dress. Always be smart and conform fully to the uniform guide. If you do not conform, your parents will be asked to collect you immediately and you will not be allowed to return to the Academy until the issue is resolved.
  • Everyone must be safe. Exercise of aggressive or threatening behaviour, or other intimidation or abuse, will result in your parents or carers being asked to collect you immediately from the Academy. Bullying will not be tolerated.
  • The Academy actively promotes the responsible use of social media. Inappropriate use of social media will not be tolerated, particularly if it is used as the medium to bully someone. Whilst no social media activity is allowed in school, if your use of it outside school breaches the Academy Behaviour Policy, the Academy will take disciplinary action.
  • Teachers are employed to teach and students come to Sandwell Academy to learn. Any student who prevents this happening will have to attend a meeting with the Deputy Head and parents. Persist and you could lose your place at the Academy.
  • Be sure to treat all facilities, and especially the ICT facilities, properly and with a high level of care. Downloading inappropriate materials is a serious breach of Academy rules which could lead to you losing your place at the Academy. You will need to sign an ICT contract which gives you more detailed guidance.
  • Illegal or harmful drugs and substances are very dangerous and students should note that there will be no toleration of possession, sale, purchase or consumption at the Academy or away from School. Similarly, possession of a bladed or pointed article or an offensive weapon in the Academy will not be tolerated. Such activity will result in permanent exclusion.
  • The Academy actively promotes healthy lifestyles and encourages students to eat a balanced diet. Chewing gum, sweets and fizzy drinks (including high sugar/caffeine energy drinks) are not allowed at the Academy and will be confiscated. If you chew gum your parents will be asked to collect you and a meeting will be needed.
  • You may bring your phone to the Academy for emergency use only. It should be switched off as soon as you enter the Academy grounds and kept either in your locker or a zipped pocket. Do not use your phone to take photographs or videos anywhere in the Academy, the area immediately outside or on Academy coaches. If you do not follow these rules, you will be asked to give your phone to a member of staff and your parents may have to come and collect it. Your phone is your responsibility.
  • Breaches of the law are, by definition, breaches of the Student Charter

How can students get the best service from Personal Tutors and Teachers?

Timekeeping: Students are expected to arrive by 8:15am and be in their PT session by 8:20am.

Politeness: We want the Academy to be a happy environment, so be polite and respectful in discussions with your Teachers, other Academy staff and fellow students.

Homework: Always complete homework. You can have as much as you want!

Bullying: Never tolerate a bully. Always tell your Personal Tutor as soon as possible if this happens.

Session 3: Your Academy wants you! Participate in the many after school activities available. You must attend the extra lessons specially organised for you after 3:40pm.

Work Hard: Work hard at all times and always ask if you do not understand.

Equipment: Take care of your equipment and respect other people's belongings.

Team Games: Support your friends by taking part in team and group activities. It is expected that you will always represent the Academy if you have sporting or other talent.

Students should feel good about being successful!

Your teachers will work hard to ensure that you are:

  • Valued and given quality care and confidentiality where appropriate.
  • Encouraged by providing you with stimulating lessons and incentives to do well.
  • Involved in your education by providing regular information to you and your parents on progress.
  • Congratulated by providing recognition and rewards.
  • Benefiting through lots of opportunities in academic, sporting, musical and cultural activities.
  • Supported by providing safe, orderly conditions for you to learn effectively.

Students should feel confident about expressing their views about the life and work of the Academy.

Students can discuss any problems or concerns with their Personal Tutor, a Subject Teacher or a Deputy Head.

Students can arrange to see the Head at any time to discuss issues of concern.

Students can use the Questions and Suggestions Box to inform the Head of their views (Forms will be available at the Academy Reception) or suggest areas for improvement. Alternatively students can use the email system.

Students may be invited to one of the Head’s working lunches where 14 students have an opportunity to express their views about the Academy and to make recommendations on how the Academy may be improved.

Different students are invited each year so that as many students as possible can be involved in the process.

Students may also express their views to the Head Boy, Head Girl or other student leaders.

Students will be asked for their views at key points during their education at the Academy. For example, following Year 7 Induction Day, preparation for SATs, Key Stage Options process, etc.

Sandwell Academy Kindness Charter As a kind member of the Sandwell Academy community, students will always aim to:
  • Hold the door open for staff, students and visitors and always offer to give way.
  • Say good morning or hello to people in the corridor and/or smile as often as possible.
  • Have good manners: say please and thank you at every opportunity.
  • Chat to and include students who are on their own in and around the Academy.
  • Help someone in need e.g. picking up a folder and contents if dropped.
  • Pay someone a genuine compliment each day.
  • Congratulate their peers for doing well.
  • Tidy classrooms at the end of lessons.
  • Share things with other students who are without e.g. lend money / share pens / share lunch.
  • Pick up litter around the Academy.

Sandwell Academy Concerns, Complaints, Suggestions

This is your Academy and we want to hear your opinions and ideas. You may wish to say thank you, share a concern, make a complaint or suggest an improvement. You can express your views in a range of ways:

You could talk to anyone of the following people:

Your Personal Tutor

Any Teacher

The first point of contact for personal and academic issues relating to the progress and welfare of students.

Personal Tutor

More serious issues and confidential matters, e.g. bullying, theft, underperformance, etc.

Deputy Heads Senior Leaders

Key Stage 3: Years 7, 8 and 9

Year 7: Miss Parker
Year 8: Miss Hubble
Year 9: Mrs Sharif

Key Stage 4: Years 10 and 11

Year 10: Mr Smith
Year 11: Mr Denker

Sixth Form

Director of Sixth Form: Mrs Gill

Special Needs issues, including the needs of exceptionally gifted children.

Director of Inclusion/SENCo:Mr Byrne

Enquiries relating to the Homework policy.

Deputy Head:Miss Bladen

Enquiries relating to Health and Sex Education issues.

Deputy Head:Mrs Chapman


Designated Safeguarding Lead: Miss Pincher
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads:

Mrs Adams, Miss Breen

Any medical issue.

School Nurse:Mrs Hutchinson-Nash

Help with grants for Academy clothing, meals, etc.

Student Support Officer:Miss Baker

Formal complaints and access to documentation such as the Complaints Procedure and Academy Policy documents (e.g. Behaviour, Equal Opportunities, etc.)

Head's PA

Any dilemma which remains unresolved having exhausted all other channels

Head:Mr Saunders

For all enquiries regarding coaches - please contact Endeavour Coaches Limited (0121 326 4994).