Parents Advisory Group

Tickets are now on sale for this year’s Parent Advisory Group (PAG) December raffle.  Since the Academy opened, the PAG has worked tirelessly to raise funds to provide additional resources, equipment and educational opportunities for our students.

Prizes are as follows:

1st Prize - £100 Amazon vouchers
2nd Prize - £40 Amazon vouchers
3rd Prize - £20 Amazon vouchers

The closing date for entries is Tuesday 19 December. The draw will be made and winners informed on Wednesday 20 December.

Tickets for this year’s raffle can be purchased via ParentPay and cost £1 each.

The Academy has established an Advisory Group which is a body to provide advice, information and support to the Head and Governors. This assistance will enable the Academy to implement its aims and objectives effectively.

What matters most at the Academy is the quality of education available to the young people it serves. It naturally follows, therefore, that all who are able to improve this, such as teachers, students, parents, industrialists and community personnel, should be afforded the opportunity to contribute in a coordinated and effectively managed way. The Advisory Group will be one of the mechanisms in place which helps secure continued improvement.

Additionally, the opportunity of involving members of the Academy and the wider community fits well with the ethos of the school.

The Advisory Group will provide a forum for involving the wider community. Therefore the Head will, where necessary, co-opt members of the local community to the Group to assist in its work.

Aims of the Advisory Group

To advise the Governors, Head and the School Management of ways in which the learning opportunities for the student can be enriched ie.

Academic Vocational
Personal Social
Physical Etc.

To advise the Head or relevant Senior Manager on the development of contacts with the community.

To advise the Head or relevant Senior Manager on the community use of the premises.

To organise events to raise funds for the purpose of extending the learning opportunities for students.

To bring to the attention of the Head or relevant Senior Manager any concerns relevant to the development of the Academy or its students.

To advise the Head or relevant Senior Manager on policy formation as is reasonably requested


The constituent groups involved in the life of the Academy should be represented.

Chairman Head
Vice Chairman Mr A Lally
Treasurer Mr Currier
Head’s PA Mrs Braddick
Parent Governor Mrs K. Coley

Mrs. K. Coley
Mrs. F. Baugh
Mrs. K. Dole
Mr. I. Hussain
Miss. S. Horne

Community Co-opted by the Head as required

The Parent Advisory Group is looking for parents, particularly of Year 7 students, who are keen to become involved in the life of the Academy and to help with the organisation of events.

Initial enquiries should be made to the following email address:

The PAG members invite any parent who would like to help with any events which the Academy holds and will always welcome new ideas that would benefit the Academy. Please contact Mrs Tomkins at the Academy on 0121 525 1700. The group is also here to listen to any concerns you may wish to raise.