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Sandwell Academy Celebrates GCSE Results!

Weekly Broadcast


PT Star Students

  • Gurdiya, Olivia, Victoria, Mya, Dilnoor, Aathma
    By Mrs Hood
    Well done to Gurdiya for gaining 3rd the 800m, Olivia for gaining 1st in the 300m and to Victoria, Mya, Dilnoor and Olivia for gaining 3rd in the relay. A huge thanks to Aathma who stepped in to fill spaces so 7 Regis could gain more points. Excellent team spirit
  • Renaya Kelly-Golding
    By Miss Read
    Renaya has engaged well with House Competitions this week – she placed 1st on Sports Day in the 800m and also performed well in the Hand Stand Competition. Renaya has showed a fantastic attitude to learning over this year and should be proud of her efforts – well done!
  • Farhad Rasouli
    By Miss Daniel
    For getting the most positives in the PT, always being polite to members of staff and throughout the academy.
  • Ishitha Ali
    By Mr Roden
    Ishitha received a positive postcard from Spanish this week for showing Pride and also received a positive for showing the same core value in English. She clearly has pride in her languages. Well Done
  • Aston Daniel-Hunt
    By Miss Soor
    Well done Aston for making this fantastic improvement- super impressed! You've gone a whole week without negatives and have gotten an amazing amount of negatives! Keep up this amazing improvement and progress for next week!! =D

Session 3


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Sports Fixtures

Today's Fixtures

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Tomorrow's Fixtures

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